Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Couple KickerStarter Projects - Circuits and Plants

A couple of interesting KickStarter projects I found out about:

Circuit Scribe:  (a pen for on-paper circuit drawings that actually literally work)

Could take circuit drawings you draw in class and test them on the spot (instead of waiting to go to a lab to use a breadboard, or buying components, or getting circuits printed).
You can also read about it in Chinese at the link above, especially using that handy mouse-over translator I mentioned in a previous post.  Got this link from a friend of mine.  Thanks bro!

Glowing Plants, natural lighting, no electricity:

Plants to replace lightbulbs?  Ding!  But I thought I already thought of that!  Looks like someone already took my idea lightbulb...and put a plant there.  XD