Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Mental Temperature Calculator Returns - with the Google Voice Assistant!

Visual mnemonic of increasing accuracy (in 3 or 4 steps).

Celsius? Fahrenheit? Do you want to learn and practice a shortcut* to convert temperature in your head? Using ideas from earlier work (here and here), I made a voice user interface app for the Google Assistant! You can also find an in-browser version on API.AI:

Built using Actions on Google, API.AI, and Glitch

Related demo:

Earlier post:

*Accuracy is at worst only 1 degree off, plus 1% of the original number. This means you're covered for small numbers, and when you go into the hundreds, you'll be off by a couple degrees. For example: 300 F is actually 93.3 C, but 92 C is pretty close for a shortcut. You can progressively increase accuracy, but with a diminishing ROI or "return on effort":


Original Art

Thursday, August 3, 2017

LUI: a JARVIS-like Interface

Meet LUI. Ask questions.

LUI = Language User Interface

Ask LUI questions. LUI will talk and try to give a helpful reply. Think: a very simple version of JARVIS from Marvel's Iron Man movies.

Instructions: You can type questions into a textbox and it'll reply with a synthesized voice (sometimes it opens google search results or google maps, depending on your question). 

Even better, if you have speech recognition software, you can just turn that software on and have it type out what you say into the textbox for you. That way, it can feel less like you're sending text messages, and more like you're talking to LUI.

Example speech recognition software: on Macs, there's Mac Dictation, which comes out-of-the-box on newer macs. You can activate it by pressing the <fn> key twice. If your cursor is blinking in the textbox, then it'll start typing out what you say, and then LUI will respond to you. 

LUI should work on both laptop and mobile devices. Let me know if there's any issues and I can update the source code live!

Try it out!

Code also available on GitHub. You can see LUI among my live demos on Codepen

If you use ad blockers, NoScript, etc.: you'll need to enable rawgit and responsive voice. Authorize geolocation when requested. Other features require API calls and will be updated in real time as I push updates to GitHub.

< This blog post was auto-scheduled for 9:00 AM Thursday, August 3rd, 2017. >



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