Thursday, March 14, 2019

Programming Problem Solving Mnemonic - part 2

Just improving my "AEIOU" framework with things I've learned from an online course by Colt Steele

From the basic AEIOU to this: 

E (S,C,E,I)
I (B)


A = Assumptions
E = Examples (Simple, Complex, Empty, and Invalid inputs)
I = Ideas (Breakdown)
O = Optimizations
U = Unit tests

Further Translation:

A = clarify your Assumptions about the problem to better understand it. Ask so your answer addresses the actual problem.

E = ask for or come up with Example inputs (Simple/Complex/Empty/Invalid) and their expected outputs, both of which you can later use to test whether your code behaves the way it's expected to.

I = generate multiple Ideas of solutions (after choosing one, write a steps Breakdown) to get your thoughts flowing.

O = Optimize the idea that you chose (maybe go back to other ideas) by improving it's performance in time and memory, but also readability by simplifying the code.

U = Unit test your code using the example inputs and expected outputs (before doing a final submission).

Random Visual Mnemonics for Programming - part 2

Bit operations visual mnemonics:

Operation Calculation Mnemonic
GET bit i n&(1<<i) nacicci (拿 ná)
SET bit i n|(1<<i) nicicci ("knee")
CLR bit i n&~(1<<i) nancicci ("none")
CLR (MSB to bit i) n&((1<<i)-1) nacciccimi
CLR (bit i to LSB) n&(-1<<(i+1)) nacmiccipi
UPDATE bit i n&~(1<<i) | (1<<i) nancicci icicci

BFS visual mnemonic:

Translation: To go through each level of a tree at a time, queue the most immediate child nodes and then look at each of their child nodes. 

Heap visual mnemonic:

Translation: To add to a heap, add to last position, then bubble-up. To remove the top/head node from the heap, remove it, then move the node in the last position ot the top, and then bubble-down. 

More visual mnemonics: here.