Friday, June 17, 2016

Code 7 Project + Github + Blog

The "Code 7 Project"*:  
I'll be practicing general programming skills by building 7 simple programs over 7 different weekends (when my other commitments allow it). 

Project breakdown: 
  1. Get a short list of simple programming practice problems.
  2. Program some working code for 1 problem by the end of 1 day.
  3. Commit to Github account.
  4. Post to this blog.

Simple Practice Problems:
From a quick Google search, I got 2 websites:
The first link should not be overwhelming.  With just 7 seemingly straightforward practice problems, it should be manageableFor problem # 7 however, I wanted to have something more motivating for me, with more general problem-solving problems, and not just mathSo I also found the second link has many problems that I can use to keep going on as long as I want.  I decided that I want to do these problems, instead of the "Project Euler" problems, for #7.  I may also group code for the problems from this website once I start working on this set, especially in the beginner levels. 

Strategies I Can Think of Right Now:
  1. Set dates in my planner for each of the 7 problems.
  2. Decide ahead of time which programming language to use for each practice problem.
  3. Figure out how to easily get around to using the language (minimal installation besides what I already have installed).
  4. Sort of related to 3:  find websites that can teach me to do that quickly.
  5. Put it down as a to-do with a checklist on Habitica (formerly known as HabitRPG).
From initial these strategies, here are my notes so far:

Programming Practice —> Github —> Blog:

  1. in Python
  2. in Java
  3. in Python
  4. in Scratch
  5. in SQL and type it into the online code and just copy and paste the code into a text file
  6. in HTML5 canvas add lines and fill and just copy and paste the code into a text file
  7. do not do, and instead go to: the next website: (all of them in python) [EDIT:  I'm actually planning to use the websites CheckiO and CodeWars.  I'm already using them on weekdays.  You can see my current levels at]
 (I already have Python, Java, and Scratch installed, so I can just create SQL and HTML5 code online on the w3schools websites.)

*Disclaimer:  I do not own the phrase "Code 7".  Any appearance of similarity to brands, sayings, phrases, etc. is purely coincidentalI'm just using it as a convenient, simple name for this project.


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Chinese Learning Projects:
 - Book
 - HSK 1
 - HSK 5
 - Homonyms Mnemonics